GDB Cheatsheet

I’m always forgetting, so I’m putting this here because I keep forgetting my f0rking cheatsheets on other machines.

So, in case it’s useful, here we go…

Note: this is currently mostly ARM stuff, but the majority of the commands (except the forced mode change stuff) work for x86 and the like.

Command Description
info <var>
or i <var>
print some information
i b Get info about breakpoints
i r dipslay all registers and their values
i proc map display the process map information for the code being analysed
break label break on function label,
e.g. break main
break *0x1000 break on 0x1000
delete 2 delete breakpoint 2
set $r0=5 set the value of register $r0 to 5
stepi or si step forward one instr.
nexti or ni step forward one instr., and STEP OVER any calls
stepi 5 Step forward 5 instr.
nexti 5 step forward 5 instr., stepping over any calls
or c or cont
continue on with the process
fg as in BASH, foregrounds the process
(push to background with c&)
bt ‘backtrace’ - show the call stack.
NB-useful when analysing exceptions
run arg1 arg2 execute the debug target (from cli) with arg1 and arg2 as arguments.
print system
or p system
print the system symbol table data
(stored as the system variable in GDB)
NB - very handy for ROP exploring.
p *(array-var)@20 print 20 bytes of array-var
x 0x1000 short for ‘eXamine’, examine 0x1000 in this case
x/nfu 0xADDR Starting from 0xADDR, examine the;
1. (N)umber of bytes, in a specified
2. (F)ormat (any of x/d/u/o/t/a/c/f/s from C’s print formatting, with additional i for instructions - defaults to he(x)adecimal),
3. Specified (U)nit size (any of (b)yte, (h)alfword, (w)ord, or (g)iant/double words),
e.g. x/4dw $ps is ‘examine address in $ps, and print 4 words as signed integer values’ [Yeah, that one’s a mouthful…]
x/10i $pc disassemble the next 10 instructions from the addr value in PC
x/s 0x1000 display the string at memory addr. 0x1000
x/10xb 0x1000 display 10 bytes, as hex, starting at addr 0x1000
x/10xw $sp Show the 10 32bit words, in hex, starting at $sp
set *(int*)0x6000 = 42 Set an int (32bits) at addr 0x6000 to 42
disp <expression> do each time a breakpoint is hit,
e.g. `disp x/10i $pc`
dissassemble (label) dissassemble the function with the label specified,
e.g. disassemble main will dissassemble main.
disassemble 0x1000 0x2000 disassemble from 0x1000 to 0x2000 (replace with addresses in the program)
set print pretty on set print formatting of C structures on (use off to turn off)
set logging file /path/to/file set logging to go to /path/to/file from your session
set arm force-mode {arm/thumb/auto} Set the arm forced instruction mode (arm/thumb/auto) - overrides the symbol table
show arm force-mode Show the current force instruction mode

Useful Commands

I also find these commands useful when debugging (on linux/posix like environments):

Command Descr.
gdb file Debug file in gdb (You never know, I might forget…)
gdb a.out 789 attach GDB to a.out running as process 789
gdb a.out core open core dump for a.out in GDB
cat /proc/789/maps get address space layout for 789
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space turn off dat pesky ASLR…
execstack -s foo Disable XN for foo
ulimit -c unlimited / ulimit -c 0 turn core dumps on / turn core dumps off


HT @Fox0x01, and MW for their helpful comments and contributions :-D